
ACCI’s Vice-Chairman Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand and ACCI’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Mirwais Hotak met with Area Based Approach for Development Emergency Initiatives (ABADEI)’s manager Mr. Feroz Sayed Khawajyouf and discuss the existing challenges of the Afghan Private Sector and joint ventures.

Mr. Muhmand elaborated private sector’s obstacles and affirms an integral increase in Afghan exports and mine extraction. He also said that ABADEI’s officials can help sectors like construction, manufacturing, and women entrepreneurship grow and pave the way for trade promotion and the private sector’s growth.

Mr. Mirwais Hotak provided ABADEI’s officials with the activities and background of the ACCI and pointed to ABADEI’s cooperation as imperative in the implementation of the ACCI’s projects.
In addition, he requested the ABADEI to provide women entrepreneurship with financial support.  

In conclusion, Mr. Khawajayouf promised to help provide the required facilities, eliminate the existing problems in the Afghan Private Sector, and improve economic stability.


ACCI’s Vice – Chairman Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand, Kandahar Chamber of Commerce and Investment (KCCI)’s president Mr. Muhammad Sediq Muhmand, ACCI’s senior counsellor Mr. Sharafuddin, and a number of traders and investors hosted Japan’s Acting Ambassador to Afghanistan Mr. Takashi Okada and discussed how to expand trade, enhance mutual investment, and providing Afghan traders with the required facilities.

Mr. Muhammad Sediq Muhmand besides welcoming Mr. Takashi Okada to KCCI, requested him to help provide Afghan traders with the required facilities and promote trade between Afghanistan and Japan.

Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand said, “Afghanistan has excellent economic and trade relations with Japan and we courteously request Japan’s Embassy for Afghanistan to provide Afghan traders with a comprehensive cooperation in regards to visa issuance.”

Mr. Younus Muhmand also said, “Enhanced security throughout the country, zero poppy cultivation, and no corruption in governmental organizations are key factors to encourage investors to invest in Afghanistan.”

Mr. Okada said, “Japan’s Embassy for Afghanistan is committed to dedicate a great deal of focus and time on how to promote mutual trade, address the challenges ahead of Afghan traders, and provide Afghans with the required facilities in visa issuance.”


ACCI’s Vice-Chairman Mr. Haji Muhammad Younus Muhmand, President to the Secretariat of the Board of Directors Mr. Khan Muhammad Sarfaraz Baz, President to the International Relations of the Board of Directors Engineer Sayed Jawid Burhan, President to the Finance of the Board of Directors Mr. Sherin Agha Sakhi, Khan Jan Alokozay, Zakareya Baryali, and Zeyauddin Achakzay members to the Board of Directors, Vice-Chairman of the Kabul Chamber of Commerce and Investment (KCCI) Mr. Ahmad Shah Hakimi, and a number of Afghan traders went to Turkish Embassy for Afghanistan and expressed their deepest condolences for the victims of the latest earthquake in Turkey.

Mr. Muhmand said, “Afghans really appreciate the tremendous humanitarian assistance of the government and people of Turkey during natural disasters and economic crisis and assert this earthquake as an immense adversity in the history of Turkey.”

He also acclaims Herat Chamber of Commerce and Investment (HCCI)’s on the spot and beneficial humanitarian aid donated for the sufferers of the latest earthquake which stroke Turkey in the hardest way possible.

International Labor Organization (ILO) organizes a tripartite gathering to celebrate the occasion of International Labor Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
ACCI’s Acting CEO Mr. Mirwais Hotak and high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs attended the gathering.

Mr. Hotak said, “International Labor Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work are of the fundamental and strategic principles of the ILO and hold a great deal of significance.”
He also asserted that attending such gatherings is an excellent platform for sharing knowledge, networking, and promoting safety and health at work.

In addition, Mr. Hotak provided the participants with information about ACCI’s current projects as: providing small and medium entrepreneurs with the required consulting, manuals, and training, promoting safety and health at work, and help build the infrastructure to create more job opportunities.

Moreover, Mr. Hotak said that ACCI as a key and important counterpart of the ILO and Labors’ Union is committed to promoting safety and health at work which leads to safe working environment and economic growth as a whole.


ACCI’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Shafiqullah Ataye holds an online meeting with Nicolas Forzy the Co-Founder of Meriado (The global B2B marketplace built exclusively for chamber members) and discusses how it can be useful for the Afghan traders and investors.

Mr. Forzy said, “Meriado is a connecting point for gigantic companies and business corporations of the world that tries to accelerate the flow of trade and investment and provides the required facilities for chamber members.”
He, furthermore, said that the ACCI can play a vital role in introducing Meriado to Afghan traders and investors and how they can actively promote their businesses through it.

Mr. Ataye said, “Meriado is a significant and outstanding B2B marketplace that helps enhance trade and investment between the countries of the region and the globe.”
He also said that Meriado is a perfect place to introduce Afghan domestic products to international markets and that he will convince Afghan traders and investors to carry out their business activities through Meriado.

ACCI’s Vice – Chairman Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand met with Ms. Roza Otunbayeva Special Representative for Afghanistan and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, and UNAMA’s political economy officer Ms. Danae Bougas and discussed how to eliminate the existing challenges of trade and investment, Afghanistan’s frozen assets, and the increase of exports in the past two years.

Mr. Muhmand said, “Full security all across the country, zero poppy cultivation, and no corruption in governmental organizations are key factors to encourage investors to invest in Afghanistan.
He, furthermore, requested UNAMA to facilitate arranging meetings between Afghan traders, investors, and international organizations.

In addition, Mr. Muhmand insisted on releasing Afghan frozen assets so that Afghan traders will be able to exert their assets and help the economy of the country grow and trade promote.

Ms. Roza Otunbayeva appreciated ACCI’s efforts, acclaimed its achievements, and affirmed that UNAMA is committed to cooperating ACCI in the afore – mentioned issues.


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