
ACCI’s First Deputy to the Board of Directors Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand, Mr. Khan Jan Alokozay, Zia Uddin Achakzai, and Ahmad Zia Azimi Shenozada members of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Mirwais Hotak Administrative and Financial Deputy to the Executive Board of ACCI meets with the Afghan General Council to Pakistan Mr. Najeebullah Ahmadzay and discusses issues regarding transit, commerce, and investment.

Mr. Muhmand said that there are still a number of problems in exports to Pakistan and asked Mr. Ahmadzay to help provide legal solutions for these problems.

Furthermore, he said that Afghanistan has much more trade with Pakistan compared to other neighboring countries and there is an acute need for the commercial relations of both countries to be strengthened.

Mr. Alokozay said, “Professional and well-qualified Afghan commercial attaches have to be employed in the ports of Karachi, Islam Abad, and Quetta so that they could provide the required facilities for Afghan traders.”

He, furthermore, said that Afghan traders face numerous problems in regard to transit in Karachi, Waga, and Kuweta ports.

Mr. Shenozada said, “There are a number of drug companies in Pakistan that provide Afghan traders with low-quality medicines, and this act should be banned as soon as possible.”

Mr. Ahmadzay said, “Due to lack of security in Afghanistan, Afghan traders tend to invest in Pakistan but if the government of Afghanistan provides Afghan traders with ample security, they are willing to come back to the country and invest here.”

He assured ACCI’s chairmanship that in close coordination with ACCI, he is going to take measurable steps in eradicating the existing problems and providing Afghan traders with the required facilities. 
At the end of the meeting, ACCI’s chairmanship praised Mr. Ahmadzay’s efforts by awarding him an appreciation letter.

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI)’s Head to the Secretariat Mr. Khan Muhammad Safaraz Baz, Financial President to the Board of Directors Mr. Sherin Agha Sakhi, Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr. Shafiqullah Atayee, ACCI’s member of the Board of Directors Mr. Khan Jan Alokozay, Member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee Mr. Khalid Ahmadi, KCCI’s First Deputy to the Board of Directors Mr. Ahmad Shah Hakimi, President of the Investment Services, government officials and a number of traders and investors attended a workshop held about making amendments to the Investment Law.

All the participants expressed their thoughts and views about the role of the Investment Law, existing problems of the investment, and how to enrich Investment Law.

Mr. Baz said, “Tellers play an imperative role in the field of investment and amendments to the Investment Law should be made according to the current situation of the tellers and the country.”

Mr. Atayee said, “Even the developed countries need to solicit external investment to their countries, and they consider it as the priority.”
He, furthermore, said that there are numerous investment opportunities in the country and that appropriate amendments should be made to the Investment Law in order to prevent escape of the capital from the country.

As representative of the Afghanistan Chambers Federation (ACF), Mr. Khan Jan Alokozay appreciated Presidential House’s efforts in regard to providing the required facilities for investors and insisted that traders and investors should be provided with much more facilities.

At the end, working groups were made and the existing problems and opportunities in investment were discussed.

ACCI’s First Deputy to the Board of Directors Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand, Mr. Sultan Muhammad Safi Investment Deputy to the Board of Directors, President of the Secretariat Mr. Khan Muhammad Sarfaraz Baz, Mr. Khan Jan Alokozay, and Mr. Ahmad Zia Azimi Shenozada members of the Board of Directors, ACCI’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr. Shafiqullah Atayee, and Mr. Mirwais Hotak Administrative and Financial Deputy to the Executive Board met with the Afghan Ambassador to India Mr. Farid Mamonzay and had a discussion about the existing problems in the transit and trade between the two countries.  

In order to promote business between Kabul and Delhi, Mr. Muhmand suggested the following things:
•    The existing problems in Waga Port should be eliminated
•    The existing problems of the dry and fresh fruit exporters to India should be eradicated
•    The legal and monetary issues of the Afghan traders with some of the Indian companies should be addressed by the Afghanistan Center for Commercial Dispute Resolution
•    Investment in Chabahar Port should be convinced
At the end of his words, Mr. Muhmand appreciated all the efforts that Mr. Mamonzay has done to promote trade between the two countries and overcome the existing challenges in the Private Sector.

Mr. Safi asked Mr. Mamonzay to lobby for eradicating visa problems.
Mr. Baz and Alokozay said that Chabahar Port is the best alternative for all the mentioned issues.
Mr. Atayee said, “In order to have problems in Waga Port eliminated, it is important to entrench an Afghan – Indian joint chamber and provide the Chabahar Port with the required facilities.”

Mr. Mamonzay said, “We have talked with the Indian relevant officials and made them provide Afghan traders with 2- and 3-years business visas.”
He, furthermore, asked the government to provide the Private Sector with an appropriate environment for investment especially, when the external forces leave Afghanistan.
He also promised to take considerable measures in eradicated the above-mentioned issues.

ACCI’s First Deputy to the Board of Directors Mr. Muhammad Younus Muhmand, Administrative and Financial Deputy to the Executive Board Mr. Mirwais Hotak, and a number of cloth dealers met with the Afghan traders who do business with China and discussed their serious existing problems.

President of the Cloth Dealers Association Mr. Obaidullah said, “There are 300 traders who do business with China but cannot get their visas which has rendered many problems such as: stoppage of trade with China, loneliness of the families of the traders living in China, and many more.  

Mr. Obaidullah appreciates ACCI’s support and asks its chairmanship to help them overcome this problem.

Mr. Muhmand said, “ACCI’s chairmanship has taken considerable measures to eradicate the foregoing issue and is committed to provide the traders with the required facilities.”

He, furthermore, said that he has shared this issue with the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E Haneefullah Atmar through a phone call and that Mr. Atamr assured him of providing legal solutions to the problems.

Not to let the Covid-19 be the biggest obstacle for these traders to obtain their visas, Mr. Muhmand called the Public Health Acting Minister Mr. Waheed Majroh and asked him to vaccinate all the traders who need Chinese visas as soon as possible.

ACCI's Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr. Shafiqullah Atayee met with India's commercial attaché Mr. Rajesh Badola and discussed the expansion of commercial relations and joint cooperation.

Mr. Atayee talked about the history and working background of the ACCI and said that ACCI is a home for the Private Sector of Afghanistan.

In order to overcome the existing challenges and promote trade between the two counties, Mr. Atayee suggested the following things:
•    In Waga and Chabahar ports, the existing challenges have to be eliminated
•    Long-term visas should be provided to Afghan traders
•    A meeting should be held with Trade Promoting Council India (TPCI)
•    Subsidies should be provided to India’s exports to Afghanistan  

Mr. Rajesh Badola said, “We would like the Afghan Private Sector to carry out all its trade initiatives with the Indian Private Sector based on official treaties. When, therefore, problems arise, they will be solved through diplomatic ways.”

He, furthermore, asked for the statistics of exports and imports so that they could provide facilities accordingly.

He also suggested holding an online meeting with the Trade Promoting Council India (TPCI) in order to eradicate the existing problems in Waga and Chabahar ports.

ACCI’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Shafiqullah Atayee attended the Graduation Ceremony of the 86 Afghan female students who belong to different provinces of the country.

This event was hosted by the Afghanistan Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries (AWCC) and attended by the guests of honor ACCI’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr. Shafiqullah Atayee and Technical and Professional Studies president MS. Nadema Sahar.

Mr. Atayee said, “ACCI is the strategic partner of the AWCCI”.
He also promised that ACCI is committed to provide job opportunities for all the students who have completed their studies in the online American Eagle Academy.  

It is worth - mentioning that online American Eagle Academy offers BA degrees in the fields of: entrepreneurship, project management, cybersecurity, information technology, cloud management, software management, and English literature.

Every student who admits to the academy can take one out of 200 courses during one year.

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