
Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) Health Committee’s President Mr. Ahmad Zia Azimi Shenozad and Acting Minister to the Public Health H.E Waheed Majrooh met with the owners of the private hospitals and had a discussion about launching a health festival.

The Acting Minister of Public Health said that the purpose of the festival is to commend the achievements of the country's doctors and build public trust in the country's health services and doctors.

Mr. Majrooh said that in order to increase public confidence in the health sector and to motivate health workers, the following programs will be launched in the solar year after the approval of the President.

•    Establishing a health TV
•    Set aside a special day for health workers
•    Awarding the Abu Ali Sina Balkhi Medal
•    Best doctor of the year
•    Best nurse of the year
•    Best hospital of the year

Mr. Shenozad said, “The government should provide the required facilities for investment in health sector, in order to make the health sector capable of meeting the health needs of the countrymen.”

ACCI’s Monitoring and Evaluation Board MNB’s president Mr. Abdul Hamid Hameedi, MNB’s secretary Mr. Abdul Mateen Qalandari, Mr. Khalid Ahmadi and Muhammad Nasir Samim members of MNB held a meeting in their main office located in Shahr -e- Naw, Kabul.

They talked about the most fundamental issues related to the ACCI and took important decisions about them.

In a special ceremony attended by the ACCI’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sayed Zaman Hashimi, ACCI’s Monitoring and Evaluation Department’s head Mr. Abdul Mateen Qalandari, Ghazni Provincial Chamber’s head, ACCI’s Policy, and Technical Deputy Mr. Shafiqullah Atayee, and ACCI’s managers and officers, Mr. Khan Jan Alokozay and Ahmad Shakib Ahmadyar members of the board of directors introduced Mr. Mirwais Hotak as the Administrative and Financial Deputy for the Executive Board of ACCI.   

Mr. Hashimi showed much optimism that Mr. Hotak in coordination with the ACCI’s Executive Board will try his best in developing ACCI’s activities and bring much more improvements.

Mr. Khan Jan Alokozay congratulated Mr. Hotak for being employed as the Administrative and Financial Deputy for the Executive Board of the ACCI and asked him to strive to improve the financial issues of the ACCI.

Mr. Qalandari said that this position is very crucial and asked Mr. Hotak to build the capacity of the central and provincial chambers of the ACCI.

Mr. Hotak expressed his commitment, dedication, and comprehensive readiness for carrying out the relevant financial tasks and asked for the cooperation of the Executive Board.

Besides, being a well-experienced person, Mr. Hotak has twelve years of working experience in the field. He passed the written test with flying colors and started his job after being confirmed by the Executive Committee of the ACCI.

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI)'s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sayed Zaman Hashimi had a meeting with the Minister of Transport Mr. Qudratullah Zaki and had a discussion about the existing problems of transport, transit, and establishing special parking lots for TIR vehicles in customs of the country.

Mr. Hashimi posted the following suggestions about special parking lots for TIR vehicles which are going to be constructed by the financial aid of ECO.

•    Two TIR special parking lots should be built one in Islam Qala and another in Sher Khan port.
•    ACCI and Ministry of Transport should conduct a joint investigation about the work quality of the Japanese Company SaSaki.
•    These TIR special parking lots should be built on international standards and should contain the following sections: fumigation center, training center, scanner, scale, cold rooms, and technical workshops.

He, furthermore, suggested that in order to improve the quality of TIR system in Afghanistan a joint meeting with the participation of the Ministries of Industry and Commerce, Transport, External Affairs, Finance, ACCI and IRU should be held.

Mr. Qudratullah Zaki accepted the proposal prepared by ACCI and asked ACCI to fully cooperate and coordinate with the Ministry of Transport in regards to the transport problems in the country.

ACCI’s Investment Deputy of the board of directors Mr. Sultan Muhammad Safi, Head of the finance of the board of directors Mr. Sherin Agha Sakhi, Khan Jan Alokzay, Haji Muhammad Gardezay, and Ahmad Zia Azimi Shenozada members of the board of directors, and ACCI’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sayed Zaman Hashimi met with Pakistan's Ambassador for Afghanistan Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan and had a discussion about the existing problems of transit and trade.

Mr. Safi thanked the Pakistani Ambassador for providing the required facilities for Afghan residents, traders, and investors in getting Pakistani visas and asked the Pakistani Government to put an end to the problems of the Afghan traders in Pakistani ports.

Mr. Alokozay said, “Afghan traders are facing transit, transport and loading problems in Pakistani Ports and we ask Pakistani Government’s relevant officials to help overcome this problem.”

Mr. Hashimi said, “We have quite good commercial relations with Pakistan. Both countries should strive to eliminate every factor which prevents trade advancement and expansion.”

Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan said, “We always strive to eliminate the existing problems and improve trade. We are going to organize an exhibition in Kabul in future. APPTA contract has come to an end and more amendments are going to be made to this contract for providing further facilities for the traders and investors of both countries.”

Provincial chambers of Balkh, Herat, Paktia, and Nangarhar provinces attended this meeting through skype and expressed their views about advancement of trade and transit problems.

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI)'s Commercial Deputy Mr. Khairuddin Mael Ahmadi, and a number of traders met with the Acting Minister of Finance Mr. Muhammad Khalid Painda, and had a discussion about the density of merchandise in Hairatan Port.

Governor of Balkh province, his Deputy, traders and Hairatn Port’s responsible officials also attended this meeting.

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI)'s Commercial Deputy Mr. Khairuddin Mael Ahmadi said that the late arrival of the merchandise through Iron way to the Hairatan port is a big commercial problem and asked the Ministry of Finance to provide legal solutions for this problem as soon as possible.
Mr. Muhammad Khalid Painda promised to provide the required facilities for the traders of the country and solve their existing problems.  

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Khairuddin Mael Ahmadi on behalf of the Private Sector and ACCI thanked and appreciated the Acting Minister for his visit to Balkh in regard to the existing problems in Hairatan Port.

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