General guidelines for everyone (Employers, Employees, and Visitors to the Workplace)
General guidelines for everyone (Employers, Employees, and Visitors to the Workplace)
Anyone with a cough, fever, or breathing/respiratory problems should stay home and avoid going to work or crowded places.
Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor immediately.
Upon arrival at the workplace, wash your hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds. Dry your hands on a clean towel that has not been used by anyone else.
Wash your hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds at a time 30 times daily. While this is the preferred option, if you do not have soap and water available, then keep your hands clean by using hand sanitizer that has at least 60% of alcohol.
Carry hand sanitizer so that you can sanitize your hands if a handwashing facility is not available.
Wear a mask and make sure that it covers both your mouth and nose. If you forgot a mask, then ask the workplace if they have an extra clean one you can have and wear it.
Avoid shaking hands, rubbing the face with each other, hugging, and kissing hands, since you do not know if the person you are shaking hand with, or rubbing your face against his face may have been infected. It is possible to be infected, but not show or have any visible signs.
When coughing or sneezing, please cover your mouth and nose respectively with a tissue or cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow because the virus can be released into the air and transmitted to others.
Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose, or eyes because by doing so, you may spread an infection since your hands may have the virus on them.
Keep at least one meter away from a person. Maintain further distance if someone is suffering from a respiratory illness.
Avoid visiting any sick patients until the spread of COVID-19 has been stopped.
If your job requires you to touch people or surfaces that others have touched, then please wear a mask and gloves and change the mask and gloves at the end of each shift change. Do not touch your face with these gloves because they may have picked up germs from a surface. Dispose of used masks and gloves in a trash can to burn or dispose completely, and immediately wash your hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds.