Trade-Import & Export (15)

Company Name Products/ Field Location
Galaxy United Ltd Food items Kabul-Afghanistan
Afghan Garden Trading

Export of Afghanistan’s Saffron, Dried Fruits and Spices to the International Markets

Qawmi Storai Ltd

Import of Petrochemicals, Plastic and paints raw materials, Construction materials

Zia Rokhan Safi Trading Electric Devices, Dry Fruit and Fresh Fruit Kabul-Afghanistan
Amin farshid Co,. Ltd Dry fruit export Kabul-Afghanistan
Afghan Cart Corporation Dry and Fresh Fruits – Carpets – Saffron Kabul-Afghanistan
Oruj Behdad Trading Company Import & Export and health care products and services Kabul-Afghanistan
Omar Farooq Kabul Ltd Import & Export Kabul-Afghanistan
Haider Refat Limited Dried fruits and nuts Kabul-Afghanistan
Mubtakir Trading Wholesale Distribution, Manufacturers Representative, Consultation, Universal Translation Kabul-Afghanistan
Farid Munir Limited Water Pipe, Agriculture, Food and Beverages Kabul-Afghanistan
Weyar Afghan Trading Company

Import & Export and Health care service

Amin Habib Ltd Fresh and dried fruits, olive oil and handicrafts, Construction and logistic services. Kabul-Afghanistan
Shahab Asia Ltd Import and Export of Electrical and Industrial Equipment Kabul-Afghanistan
Daldar Zadran Trading Ltd Peanuts and walnuts Kabul-Afghanistan